How does it work?

Our solution follows these easy steps:

1 - Enroll in our Demand Response Program
  • Send us an email expressing interest.
2 - Installation of Energy Meter and Edge Device
  • We take care of this process and at no cost to you.
  • Installation takes under 1 day.
  • No power interruption.
3 - Gain Access to Energy and Power Information
  • We provide a dashboard where you can view real time and historical, energy and power information on your site(s).
  • This information on its own is very valuable and can provide insight into energy behaviour and usage. This can help to lead to ways of optimizing energy usage and unlock future savings beyond flexible, load demand response.
4 - Participant in ISO Demand Response
  • We offer your flexible load to the ISO (independent system operator), which in turn pays for your flexible load on standby and when called upon.

  • Your load would be called upon about 20 hour per year, with an average period being 30mins about 40 times per year.

5 - Get Paid
  • Payments for your participation in demand response is paid quarterly.
  • An average site (150-200kW flexible load) would unlock $30,000 to $40,000 per year.

Why go with a System Aggregator?

  • We aggregate loads to meet the ISO requirements. Individually most loads are too small, but can meet 5MW minimum load requiremets if pooled together.

  • Manage risk and penalties from ISO when not able to deliver contracted flexible load.
  • Energy market experts, that can maximize your highest potential in the electrical markets.
  • Allow you to focus on your business, rather than introducing something else to manage.

  • Unlock a new revenue stream with no risk and capital cost.